Sian Jones – Adult Online CBT Therapist


Online CBT Therapy


My name is Sian Jones BSc (hons) and I’m a fully qualified Counsellor and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. I am the founder of CBT and Counselling Kent and have extensive CBT Therapy and counselling experience.  I now only specialise in online CBT therapy and relationship counselling.

The approach I use for online CBT is called ‘Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy’ (REBT) which falls under the CBT umbrella. REBT was developed by Psychologist Albert Ellis. It is based on the belief that our emotions and behaviours are largely influenced by our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, others and the world. REBT aims to identify and challenge any irrational and self-defeating beliefs and replace them with more rational and constructive ones.

How I can help you

Research consistently shows that the single most powerful factor in therapy, is the strength of relationship between the client and therapist. I like to think that my kind, empathetic, straightforward approach will help you develop an understanding of yourself and support you to work through the problems you face.

My therapy is carried out in a warm, confidential and supportive environment. I will help you explore your concerns and establish what might be stopping you moving forward. I will help you understand the relationship between your beliefs, feelings and thoughts- because they will be having an effect on your emotional well-being.

Together we will rationalise your situation so you are able to see the wood from the trees. This will enable your clarity of mind and help reduce any confusion. It’s not about forcing you to take a particular course of action, it’s about empowering you to have choice.

The building of a trusting relationship is one of the most important factors in order for you to feel comfortable enough to discuss your feelings. Feedback I regularly receive is that people don’t want a therapist to just sit there and nod, waiting for you to speak. Therefore, I always take an active part in the conversation and the process of recovery and change.

I offer online CBT therapy and counselling for problems such as anxiety, depression, anger, jealousy or relationship problems.

My Experience

Outside of my therapeutic experience, my background is within the corporate world of ‘Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd’ where I worked for many years in a variety of management roles. This might appear far removed from what I do now. However, I firmly believe the training, structure and discipline I gained during this time has contributed greatly in my becoming a successful Counsellor. I also feel that my exposure in this type of environment has enabled me view of a ‘wider’ world and not just that of a therapy room.

I took the decision to change direction and pursue a career in counselling. Over a 10-year period, whilst working full time. I undertook a degree in Psychology in order to train to become a psychotherapist, counsellor and a CBT Therapist.


BSC (hons) Psychology (Course accredited by the British Psychological Society)
PGCert Psychotherapy
Cert Counselling Skills
PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

I subscribe to and work within the UKCP Code of Ethics and the BACP Ethical Framework. and undertake regular professional development. My professional indemnity insurance is always up to date.

If you wish to consider medication, or are seeking a medical diagnosis or a medical report, then an appointment with your GP or a Consultant Psychiatrist would be more appropriate

If you would like to make an appointment for online CBT therapy with Sian. Then please contact us at CBT and Counselling today.Request To See Sian

4 Replies to “Sian Jones – Adult Online CBT Therapist”

  1. Hi Sian,

    We have met before a few years ago and I was wondering if I would be able to talk to you about coming back in to see you.

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