Sara O’ Donnell – Maidstone

“I experienced a major loss of a loved one in June 2012 and although my friends were very understanding and allowed me to talk, I felt that after a period of time, I didn’t want to keep bothering them although I still felt a desperate need to discuss it and just couldn’t move one. Which is when a family member recommended I went to see Sara O’Donnell”

“Straight away she was warm, kind and understanding. She didn’t rush me, or push me to talk about anything I didn’t feel comfortable with. It felt odd to be talking about myself and sometimes it was difficult but together we worked through things. I didn’t want to be in therapy for a long time, I just wanted to get better and get on with my life”

“Over the next six weeks Sara and I would meet once a week and we’d talk. After each session I’d feel so much better, stronger and my mind began to clear. I cannot recommend Sara highly enough to you; I feel I owe her so much.”

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