Relationship Counselling & Marriage Guidance Near Ashford, Kent
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Relationship Problems

Relationships can be one of the most fulfilling and pleasurable areas in life. Our tendency to develop intimate and intense relationships can bring great joy and happiness. However, sometimes relationships can become full of tension, resentment and conflict. Resulting in pain and upset to one or both parties. Difficulties in relationships are one of the most common causes of unhappiness and often bring people to therapy.

What causes relationship problems?

In general, poor communication is a major factor in relationship issues. Many  individuals claim they struggle with a feeling of not being listened to. Or that that their partner doesn’t take time to understand what they are saying. Furthermore, it’s common for the same topics to provoke arguments and blame without a solution being found.

There can be a lot of sadness, hurt and resentment beneath the surface of a relationship. Because more problems are caused in relationships by things left unsaid than said, as long as they are said in the right way. It takes courage to listen to your partner and a commitment to try and understand their point of view. Let alone find the words to say what’s important from your point of view.

How relationship counselling can help

Through gentle questioning. Our couple counsellors will help you explore what you feel are the underlying issues in the relationship. From your individual perspective. This will help both achieve a new level of understanding. You don’t have to like or even agree with eachothers point of view. However, understanding goes a long way in removing any resentment that has built up over months if not years.

We offer Relationship Counselling sessions for individuals or couples.

Whether you come with your partner or alone. Whether you’re gay or heterosexual, married or single; we offer a safe and confidential setting in which to explore your difficulties and to help find more productive and fulfilling ways of relating to each other.

Common relationship problems- Infidelity and affairs. ‘Stuck’ or Stale relationships. Intimacy problems. Jealousy and suspicion. Breaks Up’s and Divorce.

Finally, the purpose of relationship coubselling is to help you stay together as a couple, unless you express you wish to separate. In which case, couple counselling can help you to do so more amicably.

CBT and Counselling Kent is part of Relationship Counselling Kent. Click the link below if you would like to make an appointment. Or click here Request an appointment

Relationship Counselling Kent
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